Friday, February 5, 2010


Along the way to next week, we ran into Today. (This really means i couldn't wait.)

We will visit the altar of all things fried and fatty. That's right, the drive-thru window. The greatest idea this century to non-plural people like me.

I am not trying to touch your butt..."ringring ringring"... just ringing my bell to get their attention. I have a Peewee Herman bike. I didn't tell you?

"wonkumtomcwonals, wouwdyouwiketotwyaicemocha?" the voice from the other side says. Don't worry, I actually understand this language. The voice has welcomed me and offered me the opportunity to "try" an ice mocha. I always decline. The thought has crossed my mind to get one and then refuse to pay for it. Afterall, when I "try" the little snacks the old ladies push on Sundays at Wal-Mart, I don't have to pay.

No thanks. I would like a McFour with a large McDr. Pepper please. Would you like anything? In one long twenty syllable word, she asks me to pull to the first window. I pull to the first window, give her my money and take my McChange. Off we go to the second window. She gives me my drink and a McStraw, then angels descend and present me with my bag of divine McFat. You got nothing. Next time speak up.

That was good. Where do we go from here? In search of my plural? Not today. Let me think about it for a minute. You be thinking too.

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